Results for 'A. Egelund Møller'

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  1. Trust: Reason, Routine, Reflexivity.Guido Mollering - 2006 - Elsevier.
    What makes trust such a powerful concept? Is it merely that in trust the whole range of social forces that we know play together? Or is it that trust involves a peculiar element beyond those we can account for? While trust is an attractive and evocative concept that has gained increasing popularity across the social sciences, it remains elusive, its many facets and applications obscuring a clear overall vision of its essence. In this book, Guido Möllering reviews a broad range (...)
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  2. Joachim Möller and Bernd Krysmanski (eds.), Creative Reception: John Locke's Impact on Literature and Pictorial Art.Bernd Krysmanski & Joachim Möller - 2024 - Dinslaken: Krysman Press.
    The authors of this volume — all of them recognized representatives of a wide range of academic disciplines — agree that Locke’s work must have had a considerable influence both on English and German literature and the visual arts of Great Britain, especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. From the perspective of interdisciplinarity and intertextuality, the essays presented here deal with Locke as a source of ideas for Archibald Alison, John Constable, Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Oliver Goldsmith, Johann Timotheus (...)
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  3. Abortion and Moral Risk.D. Moller - 2011 - Philosophy 86 (3):425-443.
    It is natural for those with permissive attitudes toward abortion to suppose that, if they have examined all of the arguments they know against abortion and have concluded that they fail, their moral deliberations are at an end. Surprisingly, this is not the case, as I argue. This is because the mere risk that one of those arguments succeeds can generate a moral reason that counts against the act. If this is so, then liberals may be mistaken about the morality (...)
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  4. Love and death.Dan Moller - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy 104 (6):301-316.
    Empirical evidence indicates that bereaved spouses are surprisingly muted in their responses to their loss, and that after a few months many of the bereaved return to their emotional baseline. Psychologists think this is good news: resilience is adaptive, and we should welcome evidence that there is less suffering in the world. I explore various reasons we might have for regretting our resilience, both because of what resilience tells us about our own significance vis-à-vis loved ones, and because resilience may (...)
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    The Epistemology of Popularity and Incentives.Dan Moller - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):148-156.
    This paper discusses two epistemic principles that are important to buyers and sellers: the appeal to popularity and the appeal to incentive structures. I point out the various ways these principles are defeasible, and then offer some examples of them at work in the contexts of hiring, politics and the arts. Finally, I consider why these principles are generally neglected, and conclude that our neglect is unwarranted on both epistemic and moral grounds.
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    Keeping ideology in its place.Dan Moller - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (10):2779-2795.
    Most people don’t want their teachers, scientists, or journalists to be too ideological. Calling someone an “ideologue” isn’t a compliment. But what is ideology and why exactly is it a threat? I propose that ideology is fruitfully understood in terms of three ingredients: a basic moral claim, a worldview built on top of that claim, and the attempt to politicize this worldview by injecting it into social institutions. I further argue that the central danger of ideology is that activating these (...)
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  7. Relationships and networks.Kristian Möller - 2010 - In Michael John Baker & Michael Saren, Marketing Theory: A Student Text. Sage Publications. pp. 304.
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    Political philosophy: Feminism and political theory.Susan Moller Okin - 1997 - In Janet A. Kourany, Philosophy in a Feminist Voice: Critiques and Reconstructions. Princeton University Press. pp. 116-144.
  9.  22
    The Global Model of Constitutional Rights.Kai Möller - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    The rapid spread of judicially-enforced constitutional rights has been one of the most dramatic developments in modern law. This book argues that there is now a global model for how such rights should function, and develops an original, philosophically grounded, account of their nature and scope.
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  10. Parfit on Pains, Pleasures, and the Time of Their Occurrence.Dan Moller - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):67 - 82.
    Consider our attitude toward painful and pleasant experiences depending on when they occur. A striking but rarely discussed feature of our attitude which Derek Parfit has emphasized is that we strongly wish painful experiences to lie in our past and pleasant experiences to lie in our future. Our asymmetrical attitudes toward future and past pains and pleasures can be forcefully illustrated by means of a thought-experiment described by Parfit (1984, 165) which I will paraphrase as follows: You are in the (...)
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  11. The Boring.Dan Moller - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72 (2):181-191.
    This article discusses the aesthetic concept of boringness, of which there has been relatively little philosophical discussion, especially along its objective, nonpsychological dimensions. I begin by confronting skepticism about the validity of judgments about boringness and rebut suggestions to the effect that these judgments are inevitably compromised by mistakes or vices of the audience. The article then develops an account focused on certain kinds of reasonable expectations we form in a given aesthetic context. I go on to confront the question (...)
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    Making Digital Territory: Cybersecurity, Techno-nationalism, and the Moral Boundaries of the State.Norma Möllers - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (1):112-138.
    Drawing on an analysis of German national cybersecurity policy, this paper argues that cybersecurity has become a key site in which states mobilize science and technology to produce state power. Contributing to science and technology studies work on technoscience and statecraft, I develop the concepts of “territorialization projects” and “digital territory” to capture how the production of state power in the digital age increasingly relies on technoscientific expertise about information infrastructure, shifting tasks of government into the domain of computer scientists (...)
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    Safety is more than the antonym of risk.Niklas Möller, Sven Ove Hansson & Martin Peterson - 2006 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 23 (4):419–432.
    abstract Even though much research has been devoted to studies of safety, the concept of safety is in itself under‐theorised, especially concerning its relation to epistemic uncertainty. In this paper we propose a conceptual analysis of safety. The paper explores the distinc‐tion between absolute and relative safety, as well as that between objective and subjective safety. Four potential dimensions of safety are discussed, viz. harm, probability, epistemic uncertainty, and control. The first three of these are used in the proposed definition (...)
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  14. Is multiculturalism bad for women?Susan Moller Okin (ed.) - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    Polygamy, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, punishing women for being raped, differential access for men and women to health care and education, unequal rights of ownership, assembly, and political participation, unequal vulnerability to violence. These practices and conditions are standard in some parts of the world. Do demands for multiculturalism — and certain minority group rights in particular — make them more likely to continue and to spread to liberal democracies? Are there fundamental conflicts between our commitment to gender equity (...)
  15. An Argument against Marriage.Dan Moller - 2003 - Philosophy 78 (1):79-91.
    There is an obvious, perhaps even trite, argument against getting married which deserves our attention. Reduced to a crude sketch, the argument is simply that, most of us view the prospect of being married in the absence of mutual love with something like horror or at least great antipathy; the mutual love between us and our spouse existing at the inception of our marriage may very well fail to persist; and hence when we marry we are putting ourselves in the (...)
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  16. Anticipated Emotions and Emotional Valence.Dan Moller - 2011 - Philosophers' Imprint 11.
    This paper addresses two questions: first, when making decisions about what to do, does the mere fact that we will feel regretful or guilty or proud afterward give us reason to act? I argue that these emotions of self-assessment give us little or no reason to act. The second question concerns emotional valence--how desirable or undesirable our emotions are. What is it that determines the valence of an emotion like regret? I argue that the valence of emotions, and indeed of (...)
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  17.  50
    Debatte: Transparenz.Anita Möllering & Claus Leggewie - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 4 (1):59-70.
    The call for transparency is one of the main slogans of the political present. While Anita Möllering, following the agenda of the “Piraten-Partei”, mostly addresses the demand for transparency to political actors and relates it to democratic procedures, Claus Leggewie discusses the downsides of this fundamentally democratic demand. From this point of view, the central conflict concerns the fixation of the “Piraten-Partei” on a transparent state, while the users of social media hardly reflect on the intransparency of its private commercial (...)
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    On the impact of quantum computing technology on future developments in high-performance scientific computing.Matthias Möller & Cornelis Vuik - 2017 - Ethics and Information Technology 19 (4):253-269.
    Quantum computing technologies have become a hot topic in academia and industry receiving much attention and financial support from all sides. Building a quantum computer that can be used practically is in itself an outstanding challenge that has become the ‘new race to the moon’. Next to researchers and vendors of future computing technologies, national authorities are showing strong interest in maturing this technology due to its known potential to break many of today’s encryption techniques, which would have significant and (...)
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  19.  20
    The Rationality of Emotions Across Time.Dan Moller - forthcoming - Dialogue:1-18.
    Résumé Les philosophes ont longtemps peiné à expliquer le décalage entre les émotions et leurs objets à travers le temps, comme lorsque nous cessons de pleurer ou de ressentir de la colère malgré la persistance de la cause sous-jacente. Je défends une approche sceptique qui soutient que ces changements émotionnels manquent souvent d’adéquation rationnelle. L’observation clé est que nos émotions doivent périodiquement se réinitialiser pour des raisons purement fonctionnelles qui n’ont rien à voir avec cette adéquation. Je compare ce point (...)
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    Popular Sovereignty, Populism and Deliberative Democracy.Kolja Möller - 2018 - Philosophical Inquiry 42 (1-2):14-36.
    This article investigates the relationship between popular sovereignty, populism, and deliberative democracy. My main thesis is that populisms resurrect the polemical dimension of popular sovereignty by turning “the people” against the “powerbloc” or the “elite”, and that it is crucial thatthis terrain not be ceded to authoritarian distortions of this basic contestatory grammar. Furthermore, I contend that populist forms of politics are compatible with a procedural and deliberative conception of democracy. Ifirst engage with the assumption that populism and a procedural (...)
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    Developing an experimental induction of flow: Effortless action in the lab.Arlen C. Moller, Brian P. Meier & Robert D. Wall - 2010 - In Brian Bruya, Effortless Attention: A New Perspective in the Cognitive Science of Attention and Action. MIT Press. pp. 191--204.
    This chapter focuses on developing an experimental technique for inducing flow and creating instances of effortless action in the laboratory. The effort to experimentally induce flow involves two conditions which are correlated with the flow state: The firstis the idea that the challenges of a given task are well within one’s capabilities; the other involves perceived goals and immediate feedback from the given task. The chapter explores these factors along with other contextual factors, including autonomy and distractions, to experimentally induce (...)
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  22.  18
    Beyond Reasonableness: The Dignitarian Structure of Human and Constitutional Rights.Kai Möller - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 34 (2):341-364.
    The last two decades have witnessed a wide-ranging and global discussion of the theory and structure of human and constitutional rights. This debate initially focused on the principle of proportionality and subsequently on the related ideas of the ‘culture of justification’ and the ‘right to justification.’ There is now a far-reaching agreement that both proportionality and justification in human and constitutional rights law are concerned with the reasonableness, alternatively the justification in terms of public reason, of the act under consideration. (...)
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  23.  50
    Two Conceptions of Positive Liberty: Towards an Autonomy-based Theory of Constitutional Rights.Kai Möller - 2009 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 29 (4):757-786.
    In the jurisprudence of constitutional courts around the world, there is an emerging trend towards an autonomy-based understanding of constitutional rights: increasingly, rights are interpreted as being about enabling people to live autonomous lives, rather than disabling the state in certain ways. This article investigates the conception of autonomy employed by courts by presenting two candidates and examining which of them explains the current practice of constitutional rights law better. The first, labelled the excluded reasons conception of autonomy, claims that (...)
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  24. Should we let people starve – for now?Dan Moller - 2006 - Analysis 66 (3):240–247.
    Many philosophers believe that just as moral reasons do not diminish in force across space, so they do not diminish across time, and that we should accordingly be neutral between the interests of present people and future people. This allows them to make the plausible claim that we should not discount the interests of future generations when making decisions about things like consuming scarce resources.1 However, when this outlook is combined with a small number of fairly weak assumptions, it becomes (...)
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  25. The Marriage Commitment—Reply to Landau.Dan Moller - 2005 - Philosophy 80 (2):279-284.
    The Bachelor's Argument against marriage, as I described it in this journal,1 says that marriage involves taking an imprudent risk of finding oneself committed to a relationship with someone one does not love. The evidence indicates that many people who marry eventually find themselves without the feelings for the other person which made a marital relationship seem worthwhile in the first place; and were that to happen to us, it would seem highly undesirable nonetheless to be locked into a relationship (...)
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    Redistribution and self-ownership.Dan Moller - 2019 - Social Philosophy and Policy 36 (2):196-211.
    :Debates about libertarianism and redistribution often revolve around self-ownership. There are two main reasons for this: first, self-ownership is often featured in Lockean accounts of property that endow us with a claim to the resources that are up for redistribution. Second, self-ownership has sometimes been mustered as a way of resisting the additional labor that is said to be required by redistributive schemes. In this essay, I argue that these appeals to self-ownership are misguided. However, unlike most critics of these (...)
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    Ritual male circumcision and parental authority.Kai Möller - 2017 - Jurisprudence 8 (3):461-479.
    A recent judgment by a lower court in Germany brought the problem of ritual male circumcision to the consciousness of the wider public and legal academia. This essay weighs in on this emerging discussion and argues that ritual male circumcision is not covered by parental authority. It first considers and dismisses the best interest of the child test, which is the most widely used test of parental authority in legal practice. Instead, the essay proposes what it terms the autonomy conception (...)
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  28.  51
    Dworkin’s Theory of Rights in the Age of Proportionality.Kai Möller - 2018 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 12 (2):281-299.
    There is probably no conceptualization of rights more famous than Ronald Dworkin’s claim that they are “trumps.” This seems to stand in stark contrast to the dominant, proportionality-based strand of rights discourse, according to which rights, instead of trumping competing interests, ultimately have to be balanced against them. The goal of this article is to reconcile Dworkin’s work and proportionality and thereby make a contribution to our understanding of both. It offers a critical reconstruction of Dworkin’s theory of rights which (...)
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    Multi-Level Democracy.Christoph Möllers - 2011 - Ratio Juris 24 (3):247-266.
    Modern democratic polities regularly operate at several political levels. In the case of the EU at the level of the member-states and the EU itself, and in addition at federal, regional, and municipal levels. Is there any democratic rule to determine which level is more legitimate than the others? The article argues that from a majoritarian perspective there is none. Individual citizens may have quite different preferences with regard to the level that is of particular political importance for them. The (...)
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  30.  86
    Property and the creation of value.Dan Moller - 2017 - Economics and Philosophy 33 (1):1-23.
    :Following Locke, philosophical discussion of private property has tended to focus on the acquisition of natural resources as central. In this paper I first pursue the idea that the resource paradigm doesn't apply to most developed economies, and show how this creates problems for many accounts of property. My second ambition is to draw a normative conclusion by showing that redistribution of wealth generated in the context of services is more difficult to justify compared with the natural resource paradigm philosophers (...)
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    Moses and Aron: Reconsidering holistic politics.Kolja Möller - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (6):868-875.
    Drawing on Arnold Schönberg’s seminal opera “Moses and Aron”, the comment focuses on the role of holistic politics in Andrew Arato’s and Jean L. Cohen’s “Populism and Civil Society”. It argues that their anti-populist stance is too quick in dismissing a politics which is driven by representing and re-constituting the whole of the social order. Against this backdrop, a rejuvenation of the political left may not consist in a rejection of holism as such but in a popular politics which relies (...)
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  32. Moral Risk.Dan Moller - unknown
    It is natural for those with permissive attitudes toward abortion to suppose that, if they have examined all of the arguments they know against abortion and have concluded that they fail, their moral deliberations are at an end. Surprisingly, this is not the case, as I argue. This is because the mere risk that one of those arguments succeeds can generate a moral reason that counts against the act. If this is so, then liberals may be mistaken about the morality (...)
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    ntoine Berman and the Translation as Formation (Bildung).Mathias Alberto Möller - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):55-67.
    Antoine Berman became well known for his contribution to translation studies with his ’thirteen deformation tendencies’, recognized as his major work and published in 1985. This article sustains that in 1983, in the text Bildung et Bildungsroman, Berman found the fundamentals for his theory in the German Bildung. The cultural formation of mankind as the emergence to humankind and the translation as one of its principal agents, therefore, manifests its centrality for Berman ́s proposal of translation as a shelter of (...)
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  34. All that jazz: linguistic competence and improvisation.Niklas Möller - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 167 (2):237-250.
    Recently, theorists have pointed to the role of improvisation in practical reasoning and in gaining new moral knowledge. Laura and François Schroeter have gone even further by suggesting an account of competence with evaluative terms based on holistic improvisation. I argue, however, that they fail in their task. Through a challenge of their key claim against Allan Gibbard’s alternative account, I demonstrate that Schroeter and Schroeter provide only partial constraints on competence, and thus that their account lacks the content to (...)
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  35. Human embryonic stem cell research and the discarded embryo argument.Mark Moller - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (2):131-145.
    Many who believe that human embryos have moral status are convinced that their use in human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research can be morally justified as long as they are discarded embryos left over from fertility treatments. This is one reason why this view about discarded embryos has played such a prominent role in the debate over publicly funding hESC research in the United States and other countries. Many believe that this view offers the best chance of a compromise between (...)
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    Human embryonic stem cell research, justice, and the problem of unequal biological access.Mark S. Moller - 2008 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 3:22.
    In 2003, Ruth Faden and eighteen other colleagues argued that a.
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    Exploring Higher Education Pathways for Coping With the Threat of COVID-19: Does Parental Academic Background Matter?Julius Möller, J. Lukas Thürmer, Maria Tulis, Stefan Reiss & Eva Jonas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    First-generation students are more likely to feel misplaced and struggle at university than students with university-educated parents. We assumed that the shutdowns during the Coronavirus-pandemic would particularly threaten FGS due to obstructed coping mechanisms. Specifically, FGS may show lower identification with the academic setting and lower perceived fairness of the university system. We investigated whether FGS and CGS used different defenses to cope with the shutdown threat in a large sample of German-speaking students. Using Structural Equation Modeling, we found that (...)
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    Formwandel des Konstitutionalismus.Kolja Möller - 2015 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 101 (2):270-289.
    This article argues that the passage to world society proliferates a structural transformation of constitutionalism. It is argued that its postdemocratic character is mainly rooted in a process where substantial policy objectives are constitutionalized on a higher-ranking level. While the first part of the article elaborates this diagnosis by combining systems-theoretical and post-marxist insights, the second part turns to a critique of contemporary theories about transnational constitutionalism. It reveals the shortcomings of cosmopolitan, societal and popular-sovereignty approaches in overcoming these postdemocratic (...)
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    (1 other version)Materializing the Medium. Staging the Age of Humans in the Exhibition Space.Nina Möllers - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 9 (1):85-102.
    The article takes the world’s first exhibition on the geological and philosophical concept of the Anthropocene, »Welcome to the Anthropocene «, Deutsches Museum (2014-2016), as a starting point for initial theoretical reflections on the potential and limitations of exhibitions as media and designers of the Mediocene. On the basis of a discussion of image deployment, use of space and the materiality of objects, exhibitions are analyzed as ›slow media‹.
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    Safety and decision-making.Niklas Möller - 2006 - Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
    Safety is an important topic for a wide range of disciplines, such as engineering, economics, sociology, psychology, political science and philosophy, and plays a central role in risk analysis and risk management. The aim of this thesis is to develop a concept of safety that is relevant for decision-making, and to elucidate its consequences for risk and safety research and practices. Essay I provides a conceptual analysis of safety in the context of societal decision-making, focusing on some fundamental distinctions and (...)
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    Thick Concepts in Practice : Normative Aspects of Risk and Safety.Niklas Möller - 2009 - Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
    The thesis aims at analyzing the concepts of risk and safety as well as the class of concepts to which they belong, thick concepts, focusing in particular on the normative aspects involved. Essay I analyzes thick concepts, i.e. concepts such as cruelty and kindness that seem to combine descriptive and evaluative features. The traditional account, in which thick concepts are analyzed as the conjunction of a factual description and an evaluation, is criticized. Instead, it is argued that the descriptive and (...)
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    Ars vivendi. Der Konflikt zwischen Mythos und Logos im Circe-Gedicht des Boethius ( cons. 4 carm. 3).Melanie Möller - 2013 - Hermes 141 (2):192-208.
    Boethius’ adaption of the myth of Circe and Odysseus (cons. 4 carm. 3) is an anthropologically based manifesto for self-assertion. Following the example of the ars vivendi, which is established in the text, a human being who is in distress can harden himself against inner (mental) anguish by keeping outer (physical) dangers at a distance. However, a poetic transformation is needed to convey this technique: It is only through the poetic treatment of the disenchanted myth that the world order which (...)
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  43. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 67.Dan Moller - unknown
    Consider our attitude toward painful and pleasant experiences depend- ing on when they occur. A striking but rarely discussed feature of our attitude which Derek Parfit has emphasized is that we strongly wish painful experiences to lie in our past and pleasant experiences to lie in our future. Our asymmetrical attitudes toward future and past pains and pleasures can be forcefully illustrated by means of a thought-experiment described by Derek Parfit which I will paraphrase as follows.
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    La atenuación en los verbos que expresan duda presentes en conversaciones coloquiales del proyecto AMERESCO de Santiago de Chile.Consuelo Gajardo Moller, Javier González Riffo, Daniela Ibarra Herrera, Silvana Guerrero González & Antonia Reyes O’Ryan - 2022 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 32 (2):410-428.
    En este trabajo se indaga en el comportamiento de la atenuación en los verbos que expresan duda, presentes en el corpus AMERESCO de conversaciones coloquiales de Santiago de Chile. Se describen las funciones de la atenuación de estos verbos de acuerdo con (1) el tipo de acto de habla, (2) la actividad de imagen y (3) algunas características sintáctico-discursivas. Los principales hallazgos demuestran que la atenuación se manifiesta a través de verbos doxásticos (_creer_, _parecer_, _cachar_, etc.), verbos modales (_poder_, _deber_) (...)
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    Meta-Reasoning and Practical Deliberation.Dan Moller - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 79 (3):653 - 670.
    Sometimes there is evidence about what we would decide to do from an improved deliberative position—one in which we have better information, say, or are subject to less bias, or are able to consider the relevant facts with greater vividness. I argue that in such situations we should act on that evidence, and that there are some important ethical and prudential applications for this idea. Following through with this suggestion allows us to respond to the fact that we are prone (...)
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    Supporting Poor Single Mothers: Gender and Race in the U.S. Welfare State.Stephanie Moller - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (4):465-484.
    This article examines the uneven welfare support accorded to Black and white women at the end of the twentieth century. The author analyzes the generosity of Aid to Families with Dependent Children benefits in the 48 contiguous U.S. states in 1970, 1980, and 1990 to determine if the state is less supportive of Black than white women. The author argues that the race-biased policies and procedures implemented with the inception and expansion of the welfare state remained throughout the program, resulting (...)
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  47. Killing and dying.Dan Moller - 2006 - American Philosophical Quarterly 43 (3):235-247.
    Everyone agrees that killing a fully developed person is normally wrong. And there is similar agreement that death is bad for the one who dies, though philosophers have been puzzled about how to explain this.2 But how is the wrongness of killing related to the badness of dying? The trivial answer is that killing is wrong precisely because it inflicts the badness of death upon the victim. Or, to put it another way, killing is wrong because it harms the victim (...)
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    Thick Concepts and Practice.Niklas Möller - 2011 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):77-98.
    Thick concepts provide a focal point for several important issues in ethical theory. Separatists argue that the descriptive and evaluative elements of a thick concept can be separated out. Non-separatists deny this and claim that there are no descriptive boundaries delimiting a thick concept. A common strategy for both camps in the debate has been an appeal to armchair intuitions of various everyday thick concepts. My alternative strategy consists in a closer study of the professional practice of risk analysis. As (...)
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    Distinctively Political Normativity in Political Realism: Unattractive or Redundant.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (3):433-447.
    Political realists’ rejection of the so-called ‘ethics first’ approach of political moralists, has raised concerns about their own source of normativity. Some realists have responded to such concerns by theorizing a distinctively political normativity. According to this view, politics is seen as an autonomous, independent domain with its own evaluative standards. Therefore, it is in this source, rather than in some moral values ‘outside’ of this domain, that normative justification should be sought when theorizing justice, democracy, political legitimacy, and the (...)
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  50. Three Failed Charges against Ideal Theory.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (1):19-44.
    An intensified discussion on the role of normative ideals has re-emerged in several debates in political philosophy. What is often referred to as “ideal theory,” represented by liberal egalitarians such as John Rawls, is under attack from those that stress that political philosophy at large should take much more seriously the nonideal circumstances consisting of relations of domination and power under which normative ideals, principles, and ideas are supposed to be applied. While the debate so far has mainly been preoccupied (...)
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